28 July 2009

Dear Rebroochful

In response to your recent confession in the comments to the post below, I say, swing baby swing:

I sense a place for you as a jewellery matchmaker. Or a Relationship Counsellor. I have a range of jewellery but wear only brooches. Should I remain loyal to this or develop an open relationship....

Dear Rebroochful,

You need to be brave and taste the rainbow. There is a wide world of jewellery delights out there so enjoy them all. Why limit your play to your lapels? Let your extremities get in on the action.... wrist, lobes, phalanges, collar bones are just the beginning. So pony up and parade your bedazzled parts with pride!
And never hesitate to confide your wearin' woes with me.

-Dr. Unfastenyee Finding

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