22 October 2014

Damian Skinner on the radio

Kim Hill talks to Damian on Saturday morning.  Good listening.

14 March 2014

The Overview goes to print!!!

This special edition of Overview includes 2000 collectors edition newspaper copies available alongside the Wunderruma exhibition, opening right now at Galerie Handwerk in Munich. Thanks so much to all our supporters who donated funds and purchased advertising space to help this happen.
Issue #16 WUNDERview

11 February 2014

A Rainbow Reader

This is what I am reading these days. 

How fun could reading a doctoral thesis be, you ask?  Very.  
This lady, wrote one good book.

A Rainbow Reader, is available from Clouds Publishing (clouds.co.nz).

Observation:  I say reading, but it is more clandestine than that. It all occurs in secret because if my children see this book, they go crazy.  I have had wrestling matches with the 9 month old over the luscious multi-coloured spine.  And when I left in on the bedside table I had to retrieve it from the back of the couch where the 3 year old hid it in his "turtle nest".  I am not sure which is more mouth-wateringly, appealing to these small humans, an ipad or A Rainbow Reader.  I hope the reader.

09 February 2014

The Unitec jewellery dynasty may be gone

but there is this show....

If you are in Auckland this Friday pop in to this fantastic new gallery 

What a year....

after a brief hiatus a la maternity style

.... did a year just flash before my eyes?....

I am back!